22 June 2011

Planet Yogurt

While wandering through the mall last weekend looking for a Safaricom store my friends and I stumbled on something wonderful, a fro-yo place. For those of you not in the know, fro-yo is frozen yogurt and a delicious, and (in my head) healthier substitute for ice cream. Since I'm not a huge fan of Kenyan ice cream, I was quite excited to try this place.

Location: Junction shopping center at Ngong Road and Kingara located inside by the elevator in the new section of the mall
Price: Um, the Handsome Hamburgler paid so I don't remember; I think it was less than 500 KSH (~$5.50).  It's done by size and weight.
Atmosphere: I felt like a teenager again hanging out at the mall with my friends.

Three of us shared the smaller of the two cups since they were both huge. You can mix and match your yogurt flavors (there are three levers with the one in the middle mixing the two flavors together for you) with a variety of toppings. We went with chocolate for the girls and pistachio for the boy with a plethora of random toppings; there are so many to choose from. You can start with the healthy fruits and then work your way down to the cheesecake bites, kitkat bars, gummy bears (my personal favorite), sprinkles. These are just a few amongst many, many more options. Definitely check this place out next time you need some delicious fro-yo or if you just need a reminder of a more innocent time of when you spent your weekends cruising the mall.


  1. I think I may have spent more than 50% of my per diems at this very place. Dangerous, but oh so delicious...

  2. I went to the one at Village Market, it was an ecstatic experience...i love yoghurt & found myself in yoghurt heaven, what more can i say?
